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Merging is a way to encorporate changes from another document branch into the target document.

Merging uses a 3-way-merge to identify changes between the most recent common ancestor and applying the changes from the source document containing the changes to be merged into the target document. V-Raptor will record both the source and target branches as the parent revisions to the merged revision.

Merging is useful when working with branches allowing changed made a user to be merged into the default branch.

Merging a branch

  1. With the target document branch open in the editor, click the ˅ arrow next to Commit on the Home tab

  2. Click Merge branch...

  3. Select a Source branch to merge into the target document branch

The source branch may be in the same document, or the document which the target document was forked from.

  1. Click Merge

By default the Merge to stage option is selected. When merging to stage, the changes will be merged to the stage which can be previewed prior to committing the merge to the document revision history.

Changes can be merged directly to the document revision history by un-selecting Merge to stage

Resolving a merge error

Should merging fail, the changes will be staged and you will need to resolve any errors before being able to complete the merge.

  1. Click Commit on the Home tab to bring up the commit modal

  2. Errors will be identified in the Staged changes section. Expand the errors until the tree is fully expanded and unstage errors from the commit.

  3. When all errors have been unstaged and a Committ message has been filled, the Push commit button will be enabled.

  4. Click Push commit to complete the merge without the unstaged merge errors