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Location setup


Locations are the physically geofenced area where work gets done.

Creating a new location

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

    Menu button
  2. Ensure you have an organisation selected

  3. Click on the + button to the right of the Locations section

  4. Enter details for the new location alt-text

  • Location name

    The full name of the location

  • Location code

    A short code for the location

  • Latitude

    The latitude coordinate for geofencing

  • Longitude

    The longitude coordinate for geofencing

  • Geofencing radius (m)

    The size of the radius drawing a circle around the geofencing coordinates in metres

  • Delivery location

    Delivery locations appear in the organisation menu

  • Timezone

    Select the timezone for the location

  1. Click the Create button to save the new location

Editing an existing location

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

    Menu button
  2. Click the gear icon next to the organisation name to go to the settings screen for your organisation

    Settings button
  3. Select the Locations menu item

  4. A list of locations is displayed, select the location that you wish to edit

  5. Make your changes, and click Save changes