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Organisation setup

Creating an Organisation

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

    Menu button
  2. Click on the + button on the left hand column of the menu

    Join/create organisation button
  3. Select Create organisation

    Join/create organisation button
  4. Organisation info

You will be prompted to supply an organisation name.


  1. Click the Create button

Joining an organisation

If your organisation has not setup automatic domain joining, they will need to supply you with an invite code to join the organisation. If an organisation has Member Approval enabled, your joining request will need to be approved.

Read more: Using an invite to join an organisation

Memeber Approval

Member approval can be enabled to require users to be approved when using an invite code to join an organisation.

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

  2. Click the gear icon next to the organisation name to go to the settings screen for your organisation

  3. Make sure the Organisation menu option is selected

  4. Toggle the Member approval switch to the on position

Approving members

Pending memberships are shown in the Members screen in organisation settings.

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

  2. Click the gear icon next to the organisation name to go to the settings screen for your organisation

  3. Select the Members menu option

  4. Pending memberships are shown above the members

  5. Click Approve to approve the member or Reject to reject the membership request.

Adding an organisation icon

Organisations can upload a small icon to customise their V-Raptor organisation with their brand.

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

  2. Click the gear icon next to the organisation name to go to the settings screen for your organisation

  3. Make sure the Organisation menu option is selected

  4. Click on the Select icon button and a file selector is shown Choose a jpeg or png size, with square dimensions and at least 256 pixels in width and heigh


The organisation is now updated with a custom icon

Deleting an organisation

Deleting an organisation does not immediately remove an organisation's data. The organisation is flagged as deleted providing a grace period of 60 days in which the organisation can be recovered by contacting support.

An organisation can only be deleted by the founder. The founder can be changed by contacting support.

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

  2. Click the gear icon next to the organisation name to go to the settings screen for your organisation

  3. Make sure the Organisation menu option is selected

  4. Enter the case sensitive organisation name in bold text to confirm intent to delete the organisation.


  1. Click the Delete organisation button

The organisation will now no-longer show up in any user's list of organisations.