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Toolbox briefings


A toolbox briefing is a safety briefing conducted on a job site. Read more at safeopedia.


An organisation may have a standard list of hazards to be discussed for certain applications. Toolbox templates provide a way to have multiple standardised lists of topics to cover at a toolbox briefing.

Creating a new toolbox

Toolboxes can be created either manually or by attaching to a work item schedule.

  1. Click on the menu button to open the menu

    Menu button
  2. Ensure you have an organisation selected

  3. Click on Toolbox under Safety

  4. Click on the New toolbox button

  5. Select if you want to create a new toolbox or a template

  6. Give the new toolbox a title

  7. If creating a toolbox rather than a template you can optionally select a location the toolbox will be filed under.

  8. If creating a toolbox optionally select a template to create the new toolbox from.

  9. Click on the Create button

The toolbox will be created. You can add sections and topics to be discussed at the toolbox.

Conducting a toolbox

When it comes time to conduct the toolbox click the Start toolbar button and the name of the person conducting the toolbox and the current time will be recorded.

The toolbox topics can be checked off having been discussed by recording a response and any comments.

Attendance can be recorded by various means.

  • By recording an e-signature on the toolbox conductor's device

  • By scanning a QR code and having attendees fill in their information on their own device

  • Toolboxes attached to a work item schedule can be signed by users invited to the schedule by using the app on their own device. A Toolbox button will appear in place of the Check in button on their device.

Click on the Sign toolbar button to start recording attendance.

If the toolbox is attached to more than one work item schedule, select the relevant schedule.

When attending a toolbox attached to a work item schedule, attendees must be invited and checked in before they can sign the toolbox attendance.

Have attendees scan the QR code to sign attendance on their own device.

Have the attendees enter their e-mail or phone number, and sign the signature box to sign attendance on the conductor's device.

Archiving a toolbox

Once a toolbox is archived it cannot be signed in attendance unless the toolbox is later unarchived.

Click on the Archive toolbar button to archive the toolbox.

Exporting a toolbox report

A toolbox report can be exported in DOCX format for printing and archiving.

Click on the Report toolbar button to download the toolbox report.