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Document importing and exporting

Importing a document

V-Raptor support importing documents from the following file formats:

  • OpenXML Spreadsheet (XLSX)
  • Comma seperated file (CSV)

When importing from a file, the changes are staged in the document editor and saved when the document is committed.

ID matching

Imported IDs are matched to existing IDs to update existing clauses in a document. IDs consist of two parts, a prefix and a number. The last character of a prefix must be not be a number, otherwise it will be parsed as part of the prefix. The whole ID must match, and clauses with a different prefix but the same number will be imported without matching.

Where an ID does not exist in a document, a new clause will be imported. If the number is greater than the last number used in the document, new clauses will be assigned numbers starting at the next number after the import.

Data validation

By default import data is validated against the existing type of a column or matched field. This behaviour can be disabled and the data type of the import document will be applied.

Comma separated values

The default import data type for CSV files is string.

OpenXML spreadsheet

OpenXML spreadsheets (XLSX) support storing data as several primitive data types. Other data types will be cast to string.

OpenXML Data typeImported as
BooleanCheck box

Built-in Columns

There are several built-in columns that have special behaviour when importing a document from XLSX or CSV.

Column NameTypeDescription
idStringExisting clause id
$headingBooleanIf true, the clause will be imported as a heading
$levelNumberImports the clause indent level, default is 0
$number_formatNumber formatImports the formatting for the clause paragraph number

Note the id column will split the prefix from the number, see [ID matching]

Exporting a document

When exporting from a document, V-Raptor exports the revision on the server without any staged changes.

V-Raptor can export to the following file formats:

  • OpenXML Document (DOCX)
  • OpenXML Spreadsheet (XLSX)
  • Comma seperated file (CSV)

Comma seperated files can only be exported sheet at a time.

Customising the DOCX report

The DOCX report can be customised according to the current document view. The following aspects of a DOCX report can be customised:

  • Sections
  • Ordering of sections
  • Requirement section formatting
  • Page size
  • Page orientation
  • Page margins

Each sheet in a document is exported as a separate section and can have the following aspects customised on a per sheet basis:

  • Page size
  • Page orientation
  • Page margins
  • Table borders
  • ID column position
  • Columns
  • Column widths

The following sections can be included in a DOCX report:

  • Body (sheets)
  • Signed revisions
  • Witnesses
  • Definitions