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Work Item

Work Item Object

idsnowflakethe work item's id
numberintegerthe sequential number for the work item within an organisation
typesnowflakethe type of work item
statusstatus objectthe status of the work item
prioritypriority objectthe priority of the work item
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation
workitem_id?snowflakethe id of the parent work item
summarystringa short summary of the work item (2-100 characters)
detailsstringa long description of the work item (up to 16000 characters)
created_byuser objectthe creator of the work item
owneruser objectthe owner of the work item
assetasset group objectthe asset the work item is raised against or null
systemsystem objectthe system the work item is raised against or null
documentdocument objectthe document the work item is raised against or null
created_atISO8601 timestampwhen the work item was created
edited_at?ISO8601 timestampwhen the work item was edited or null
due_at?ISO8601 timestampdue date for the work item or null
duration_estimateddoublethe estimated duration in hours
duration_actualdoublethe actual duration in hours
fieldsarray of fieldsadditional work item fields

Work Item Type Object

Work items can have different types. These types either map to an asset type or to a document type.

idsnowflakethe work item type's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation
namestringthe work item field's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the work order field

Work Item Type Field

Custom work item fields can be added to extend work items.

idsnowflakethe work item field's id
typework item typethe work item type of the custom field
data_typeintegerthe data type of the work item type
data_type_stringsarray of work item type stringsa string enumeration for the integer type
namestringthe work item field's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the work order field
mandatory?booleantrue if the field is mandatory for work items
Work Item Field Data Types
0stringan array of characters up to 255
1integera 32 bit signed integer number
2doublean IEEE 754-2008 double precision floating point number
3ISO8601 timestampa date and time
4booleantrue or false
10usera snowflake id for a user

Work Item Type String Object

Work item types can be an enumeration Field | Type | Description ---|---|--- id | snowflake | the work item type string's id field_id | snowflake | the work item field's id value | integer | the key value for the work item type string label | string | the label for the work item type string

Work Item Status Object

Work items have a status. These status can be mapped to the following work item states "open" and "closed".

idsnowflakethe work item status' id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation
closedbooltrue if this status is for a work item in the closed state
namestringthe status' name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the status

Work Item Priority Object

Work items have a priority assigned.

idsnowflakethe work item priority's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation
namestringthe status' name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the status
colourintegerhex colour value

Work Item Log Object

Work items can have comments logged against them. The comments form a journal history of the work item.

idsnowflakethe work item log's id
workitem_idsnowflakethe work item's id
useruser objectthe creator of the work item
created_atISO8601 timestampwhen the work item was created
edited_at?ISO8601 timestampwhen the work item was edited or null
logstringthe contents of the work item log

Work Item Attachment

Work items can have files and photos attached to them.

idsnowflakethe work item attachment's id
workitem_idsnowflakethe work item's id
filenamestringthe attachment's filename (2-255 characters)
content_typestringthe attachment's content type (2-255 characters)
sizeintegerthe attachment's size in bytes
useruser objectthe creator of the work item
created_atISO8601 timestampwhen the work item attachment was uploaded
descriptionstringa description of the work item attachment

Work Item Schedule Object

Work items can also be scheduled across one or more days/shifts. Work items can either be static occuring at a single location, or dynamic between two locations. An example would be a test flight between two airports.

idsnowflakethe work item schedule's id
tokentokena randomised reference number for the work item schedule
workitem_idsnowflakethe work item's id
scheduled_start_atISO8601 timestampthe time scheduled to start at
scheduled_finish_atISO8601 timestampthe time scheduled to finish at
actual_start_at?ISO8601 timestampthe time the work item schedule started at or null
actual_finish_at?ISO8601 timestampthe time the work item scheduled finished at or null
captainuser objectthe user responsible for the work item schedule (shift)
start_locationlocation objectthe location the work item is scheduled to start at
finish_locationlocation objectthe location the work item is scheduled to finish at

Work Item Schedule Invitee

Work item schedules can have user's invited to participate in the work item. This will add the work item to the user's calendar.

idsnowflakethe work item schedule's id
tokentokena randomised reference number for the work item schedule invitee
emailstringthe invitee's e-mail
phonenumberstringthe invitee's mobile phone number
firstnamestringthe invitee's first name
lastnamestringthe invitee's last name
companystringthe invitee's company
positionstringthe invitee's position at their company

Create Work Item

POST /organisations/{}/workitems

summarystringa short summary of the work item (2-100 characters)
detailsstringa long description of the work item (up to 16000 characters)

Update Work Item

PATCH /organisations/{}/workitems/{}

Update Work Item Schedule

PATCH /organisations/{}/workitems/{}/schedules/{}

actual_start_at?ISO8601 timestampthe actual start time of the work item schedule
actual_finish_at?ISO8601 timestampthe actual finish time of the work item schedule