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Every asset is referred to by it's asset group object id.

Asset Object

If an asset is part of an active asset group, it's location will be overwritten by that of the asset group.

idsnowflakethe asset's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation the asset belongs to
fleet_id?snowflakethe id of the fleet the asset belongs to
typeasset typethe asset's type
statusasset status the asset's status
locationlocation objectthe asset's location
positionintegerthe order of the assets
namestringthe asset's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringthe asset's description
fieldscustom fields

Asset Group Object

idsnowflakethe asset group's id
typeasset group typethe asset group's type
activebooleana flag that determines if the asset group is active
namestringthe asset group's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringthe asset group's description
assetsarray of asset group asset objectsthe assets assigned to the asset group

Asset Group Asset Object

assetasset objectthe asset
positionintegerthe order of the asset in the group

Asset Status Object

idsnowflakethe asset status's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation the asset status belongs to
activebooleana flag that determines if the asset is active
namestringthe asset's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringthe asset's description

Asset Type Object

idsnowflakethe asset type's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation the asset type belongs to
fleet_id?snowflakethe id of the fleet the asset type belongs to
namestringthe asset's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringthe asset's description

Asset Group Ephemerality

single0this is a single asset
temporary1this is a temporary group of assets
permanent2this is a permanent group of assets

Asset Field Object

idsnowflakethe asset type's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation the asset type belongs to
namestringthe asset's name (2-20 characters)
descriptionstringthe asset's description

List Assets

GET /organisations/{}/assets

Returns an array of asset objects for the organisation.

All filters for this method are optional.

typesnowflakefilter assets by the asset typewildcard
statussnowflakefilter assets by the asset statusall asset statuses that are active
fleetsnowflakefilter assets by fleet
locationsnowflakefilter assets by the current locationwildcard

Create Asset

List Asset Groups

GET /organisations/{}/assetgroups

Returns an array of asset group objects for the organisation.

All filters for this method are optional.

typeasset group typefilter asset groups by the asset group typewildcard
fleetsnowflakefilter asset groups by fleet
locationsnowflakefilter assets by the current locationwildcard

Create Asset Group

Modify Asset Group