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Location Object

idsnowflakethe location's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe role's organisation id
codestringa short code for the location (2-6 characters)
namestringthe name of the location (2-30 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the location
typelocation typethe location type
latitudedoublethe latitude of the location
longitudedoublethe longitude of the location
radiusintegerthe radius of the location in metres
timezonestringthe time zone string of the location
Location Types
none0x0000a location that is not owned by the organisation
manufacturing0x0001a manufacturing location
delivery0x0002a delivery location
maintenance0x0004a maintenance location
supplier0x0010a location at a supplier
customer0x0020a location at a customer

List Locations

GET /organisations/{}/locations

Returns an array of location objects for the organisation.

All filters for this method are optional.

typeintegerbit field of location types to return, for example 0x0003 is all manufacturing and delivery locations0x0007

Create Location

POST /organisations/{}/locations

Modify a location. Requires the manage_locations permission.

All parameters for this method are optional.

codestringa short code for the locationNEW
namestringthe name of the locationNew Location
descriptionstringa description of the locationThis is a new location
typelocation typethe location type0
latitudedoublethe latitude of the location0.00
longitudedoublethe longitude of the location0.00
radiusintegerthe radius of the location in metres0
timezonestringthe time zone string of the locationUTC

Modify Location

PATCH /organisations/{}/locations/{}

Modify a location. Requires the manage_locations permission.

All parameters for this method are optional.

codestringa short code for the location
namestringthe name of the location
descriptionstringa description of the location
typelocation typethe location type
latitudedoublethe latitude of the location
longitudedoublethe longitude of the location
radiusintegerthe radius of the location in metres
timezonestringthe time zone string of the location

Delete Location

It is not possible to delete a location, however it can be marked as none.