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Toolbox Object

idsnowflakethe toolbox's id
organisation_idsnowflakethe id of the organisation
codestringa short code for the fleet (2-6 characters)
namestringa name for the fleet (up to 2-50 characters)
descriptionstringa description for the fleet

Toolbox Section Object

Toolbox Topic Object

Toolbox User Object

toolbox_idsnowflakethe id of the toolbox
useruser objectthe user that signed the toolbox
first_namestringthe first name supplied when the toolbox was signed
last_namestringthe last name supplied when the toolbox was signed
companystringthe company name supplied when the toolbox was signed
positionstringthe position supplied when the toolbox was signed
signed_atISO8601 timestampwhen the document was created
signed_methodtoolbox signature methodthe method used to sign the toolbox
Toolbox Signature Methods
0DeclarationA declaration is made where there is no evidence
1SignatureThe user's signature provided as evidence
2Scanned Toolbox's QR CodeThe user scanned a QR code with their app as evidence
3Scanned User's QR CodeScanned the user's QR code as evidence