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Organisation Object

idsnowflakethe organisation's id
namestringthe organisation's name (2 - 100 characters)
descriptionstringa description of the organisation
owner?booleanwhether or not the logged in user is the owner of the organisation
rolesan array of role objectsroles in the organisation

Organisation Member Object

userrole objectthe user that is a member of the organisation
rolesan array of snowflakesarray of role ids the user has within the organisation
joined_atISO8601 timestampwhen the user joined the organisation

"user": {},
"roles: []

Create Organisation

POST /organisations

namestringthe organisation's name (2 - 100 characters)

Get Organisation

GET /organisations/{}

Returns the organisation object for the given organisation id.

Get Organisation Member

GET /organisations/{}/members/{}

Returns the organisation member object for the specified user.

List Organisation Members

GET /organisations/{}/members

Returns a list of organisation member objects that are members of the organisation.

Query filters
filterstringstarts with filter for a members first name, last name, or emailnull

List Organisation Roles

GET /organisations/{}/roles

Create Organisation Role

POST /organisations/{}/roles

Change Organisation Role Order

PATCH /organisations/{}/roles

List Organisation Workgroups

GET /organisations/{}/workgroups

Create Organisation Workgroup

POST /organisations/{}/workgroups

Get Organisation Documents

GET /organisations/{}/documents

Returns a list of document objects that are members of the organisation.

Get Organisation Work Items

GET /organisations/{}/workitems

Returns a list of work item objects that are members of the organisation.
