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User Object

idsnowflakethe user's id
emailstringthe user's e-mail
phonenumberstringthe user's mobile phone number
firstnamestringthe user's first name
lastnamestringthe user's last name
companystringthe user's company
positionstringthe user's position at their company

Get Logged in User

GET /users/@me

Returns the user object for the logged in user.

Get User

GET /users/{}

Returns the user object for the given user id.

The fields returned will depend on the user's relationship with the organisation.

Update Current User

PATCH /users/@me

Returns the user object on success. All fields are optional.

phonenumberstringthe user's mobile phone number
firstnamestringthe user's first name
lastnamestringthe user's last name
companystringthe user's company
positionstringthe user's position at their company

Get Logged in User's Organisations

GET /users/@me/organisations

Returns a list of organisation objects that the user is a member of.

"id": "1234",
"name": "XMTA"