A team is a sub-group of a work group. Teams are small and self managing with a team leader. An example hierarychy may be.
Workgroup: Engineering Department Teams: Systems Team, Structural Team, Mechanical Team, Electrical Team
Team Object
Field | Type | Description |
id | snowflake | the team's id |
workgroup_id | snowflake | the workgroup's id |
name | string | the team's name (2-20 characters) |
description | string | a description of the team |
colour | integer | an rgb colour with bit format 0x00RRGGBB |
Team Member Object
Field | Type | Description |
team_id | snowflake | the team's id |
user_id | snowflake | the user's id |
is_leader | boolean | the user is a team leader |
List Team Members
GET /workgroups/{}/teams/{}/members
Returns a list of team member objects that are members of the team.
Add Team Member
PUT /workgroups/{}/teams/{}/members/